Starting Fresh.

I am back and ready to start melting this weight off again
Went for my first fill the other day and was a bit disappointed that I had gained two KG since seeing the doctor 5 months ago
She was actually really proud of me though for not gaining alot more
Little did she know that on my scale in Malta I was actually 84kg at one time and here I went up to 91kg! I'm just hoping my scales were wrong because I actually don't feel like I've gained that much weight. My clothes feel fine and noone seems to have noticed any gain :S

Either way I am here to start fresh
I have had plenty of fills and have never been bruised but this time round the area around the injection is purple! It doesn't hurt but it's a bit scary looking
I still don't have restriction so I shall be going in again in two weeks for another fill

By my birthday on January 31st I would love to be around 75kg
That's about 15kg in 18 weeks. Seems possible but I'm not going to be disappointed if I'm a few kg's away from my goal
I just want to lose this weight!


  1. Good luck! You can totally do it! I think it's very impressive that you only put on a couple of kgs during your travels. All that temptation and you were gone for a few months. Best wishes.

  2. So glad to see you back and I am sure you will do just fine! I know you can make your goal you have the right motivation!

  3. Omg no kidding... I've never been bruised either... and this fill I had the other day... I bruised! Weird!


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