Hello, Hi!

I'm still alive!
Sorry I've been a horrible blogger
Just don't have too much to write about
I haven't been eating that well and I've hit a plateau
I'm waiting until after Christmas to go for a fill so I can start 2011 fresh and more determined as ever to prepare for Europe!
I have been taking lots and lots of photos though
I like going through my old clothes and seeing how they fit compared to pre-op

Here is an example:

June 2009

December 2010

I can actually wear the top how it was intended to be worn...as a dress!
However, my legs are still a bit too chunky to wear it without jeans/leggings


  1. That's awesome, you can really tell a difference! Good job :)

  2. wowsa!!! thats amazing how baggy that top is now. I really can't believe it. You're my inspiration Alyce. You are only 20 and look at you. You are amazing.

    Miss talking to you on msn!!!! xxx

  3. Awesome!! I am really proud of you, you're doing so well!! I'm a bit jealous of how quick it's coming off!

  4. Wow you're looking fantastic!! That top looks amazing on you xx


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