New Wii Game!

Okay, so after that gain I thought I should really think about my activity levels
At the moment I've still basically living a sedentary lifestyle...
and my excuse is uni!
I'm always at school at a desk studying
But everyone's excuse is that they don't have time
and that's how I got this heavy in the first place!

So now that uni is over, for the first time in 21 years I can actually dedicate my life to getting fit
I have never had a proper break from school
So now that my degree is coming to an end, I really have no excuse

I also know that if I don't shape up now, I am going to look like a beached whale when I go to Europe next year!

Therefore...I ran out to Target to look at what wii games they have
I already have wii fit and wii sports, and I like them...but I find that they are just too slow for me

I need some good, fast cardio but I also want to have fun

I came across this:

I am pretty uncoordinated, but I love to dance
and I also like boxing, so it is perfect!

I played around with it for half an hour and I am stuffed!
I'm actually sweating and my heart rate was up (they even stop mid way to check your heart rate!)

My goal is to do a session every night
I know it isn't as good as walking, but right now I can squeeze in 10 minute sessions between study and at least I know I'm doing something


  1. Cool, it looks great! I have Just Dance for the Wii and that's fun!

  2. Doing something that makes you sweat for 10-15mins is sometimes better then a 30min walk.... gotta get that heart pumping and your going about it the right way!

  3. That game looks so fun! I really want a Wii console. Maybe I'll make some hints to Santa.

  4. What is " excuse is uni!"?? What's Uni?? I love yours and Ash's foreign words, I want to use them!!!!!

    So you're done with your degree? What is it? That must feel sooooooooooooooo amazing! congrats!

    I hope that video works for you!

  5. lol uni is university
    and yep only a few more weeks left
    I'm studying psychology
    if I can't find a job I'll have to go back for another 2 years though to do my masters
    but right now i'm not even thinking about that

  6. Oh good for you - finishing Uni must be an AMAZING feeling. Maybe look at a public service psychology position aka security until you find what you really want?
    I promised myself today that I wasn't just going to weigh in on the Wii in the morning I was actually going to excercise on it!!!


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