Bye Bye 120's!

This morning I am officially under 120kg...119.7kg to be exact :P
I have no idea how I ever got to my highest of 127 but I know I will NEVER, EVER, EVER go back there again!

Since the start of pre-op on 19/07/10, I have lost 5.8kg and I am so happy and so determined to keep going.
My clothes already feel looser and those nasty hunger pains don't visit as often as they used to!

So I've decided that if I want to do this properly I have to face those horrible "before" photos and fight my demons.

The following photos are horrible and may scar you for life :P

Hawaii July 4 2009 (I think I was about 116kg?)

January 2010 (not too horrible from behind but still not great!)

March 2010 (Don't remember weight)


  1. Nah!!! You can't scar me - I've got my own befores :-)

  2. What workin' said! We've all got our befores, and I look at mine all the time to keep me motivated!! Like you said, never going back there again! Keep up the great work!

  3. Aahahah no scars here... i dont even have the balls to put up befores ... i actually dont have a heap of befores as i never used to let friends take photos of me ahahahah. Your already a step ahead of me.

    Congrats on crackin the numbers... i just got into the 120's ahahah and that got me excited! Mind you im pretty sure i would be a giant in comparison to you as your a little one sometimes i wish i was short :-\

  4. haha well maybe that was a little bit of an exaggeration but I just hate photos. I wish I had more before photos but I try and avoid cameras at all times!

    And don't ever wish you were short! Clothes don't fit right and everything has to be hemmed! I wish I was even 5cm taller than I am...I just make the 5ft mark and I hate it!

  5. No scars here, either. I usually avoid cameras, but have been letting Hubby take more pictures of me lately -- just so I have "before" pics! I'm not brave enough to post them, though!

    Congrats on leaving the 120s! I know what you mean about not being sure how you got to your highest, but never being there again. I feel the same way.

  6. Congrats on the weight loss so far, you are doing soooo well.
    In a few moths you will be so glad to have those before pictures to compare against. :)

  7. I agree w/ "work in progress", can't scare me either! Honey, all the "before" pics in the world don't look great, that's WHY they are before's. They are a brief stop in our life as we are headed to our true destination! And you are headed the right way and it's almost surgery time! So THAT is super, super exciting!!!

  8. You are beautiful... I can't wait to see some durings. *Maria*-"This one time at BAND Camp..."

  9. And the winner is.... YOU. I nominated you for an award. Check it out.


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