The optifast berry bars...

are heaven!!
<3 them. I tried the chocolate ones and I couldn't eat the whole bar at once
They're not horrible, they're just too heavy
So I started cutting them up and having them as lollies throughout the day

but those berry crunch bars are the best!
I'm sure I can live off them for the next month!
plus my shakes

I bought the dessert.
They make a huge portion though!
So I'm going to mix it with some diet jelly and make a few cups worth and have that when I'm hungry

I think I'll be fine
I'm going to survive it!!!


  1. Glad to see you are having a great start to the Optifast.

    I never tried the berry ones, I tried the choc ones and didn't like them because they were so heavy; so I just kept to the shakes.

  2. yeah that was also what i thought
    they are okay if i have little bites at a time
    but the berry ones are amazing!
    i love muesli bars so its good to have something to chew on!

  3. Hi Alyce,
    So glad you found my blog and joined up. I've just joined yours also.
    I started my pre-op optifast diet today and I just love the berry bars also. Think I would eat them anyway even if I wasn't on this diet.
    Nikki :o)

  4. hello!
    no problems, thanks for following :)
    how good are they!
    oh today I bought the shakes...hope they are delicious!
    has anyone tried the cappuccino bars? not sure if i should try them


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